Heike Berl


Heike Berl deals with the beauty and destruction of nature, art history as well as with contemporary history; she works in the techniques of drawing, pulp painting, printmaking and paper sculpture. The artist´s work is centered in Dresden, and she exhibits internationally. Heike Berl does study trips focussing on historical paper mills, drawings and prints. Interdisciplinary work and research in co-operation with various workshops and print cabinets to promote this unique cultural heritage is very close to her heart.


Editions & artist´s books (selection)



· Morgenstern. Drawing in blind stylus, linocut, embossed & iris print, letterpress, pricked & handmade paper, in collaboration with Grafikwerkstatt Dresden, Berliner Hochschule für Technik & Papiermanufaktur Homburg, 21 x 10,5 cm, editon of 100 on handmade paper & 250 on cardboard

· Buchenwald. Relief print, ink drawing & letterpress on handmade paper, base paper by John Gerard, poem by Heike Berl, 40 x 50 cm, edition of 4 unique pieces

· Blue Snow. Edition & poems by Heike Berl, handmade paper, letterpress, relief print, graphic series & leporello, 22 x 15 cm (folded) 



· Imagine. IAPMA Bulletin handmade paper cover (in collaboration with Papierwerk Glockenbach), edition: 780 unique pieces in series

· Käthe Kollwitz - Fragment in Blue. Relief print & linocut on handmade paper, base paper by John Gerard, unique pieces in series



· Elbe Paper. Papermaking in the River Elbe - Fides Linien & Heike Berl. Handmade paper, shredded money, 148 x 105 cm, unique pieces in series



· Nelke V - Heinrich Vogeler 150. Linocut, material print on handmade paper, edition: 6



· Weiße Rose - Freiheit. Handmade paper, pulp painting & spraying, folding, letterpress, 160 x 124 cm, edition: 8 (created at Papierwerk Glockenbach, Munich)

· Postal Artists Books. (Australia - Germany): Gail Stiffe & Heike Berl: The Year of Covid 19. Artist's book, handmade paper, unique piece &

· Heike Berl & Gail Stiffe: Imprint. Artist's book, accordion book, unique piece



· Momentum. Accordion book, cardboard, paper, punching, ink, unique piece



· Draw hope. Poem by Heike Berl, accordion book, cardboard, paper, folding, punching, ink, edition: 2



· WITHout MUSIC LIFE would be a mistake (Friedrich Nietzsche). Accordion book, cardboard, yarn, acrylic, drawing, edition: 2

· Flora minima I-III. Paper cuts, passepartout cardboard, acrylic, edition: 11

· Radio Olympia (Paint it Black). Objects, handmade paper, pigment, acrylic, edition: 2



· Radio Olympia. Objects, handmade paper, ink drawing, edition: 3



· Krapplack - Intoxicated. CD, edition: 500 (with Mandy Friedrich)



· Kunst Akademie Edition CCL - Absolventen in den Grafischen Werkstätten. Edition of the Graphic Workshops on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the HfBK Dresden (paper, letterpress), 53 x 39 cm, edition: 12



· Fußball-Edition. Objects, screenprint on wood, edition: 11



· ArtCardGame. Offset print, Verein Konstkortleken, Sweden (published by Kerstin Diedrich)




· Soccer Series. Divers lithographs & screenprints in large size, editions: 4 (each)



· Hello Darkness. Ceramic plates with type drawings, (published by Kreative Werkstatt Dresden), 4 pieces in series



· Rose Ausländer - 12 Gedichte. Calendar, handmade paper, letterpress, edition: 4



· Pleinair. Mit Prof. Max Uhlig im Forstbotanischen Garten Tharandt. Exhibition poster, letterpress

· Vier Jahreszeiten. Zusammen in Holz/Schnitte. Calendar with artworks by Anke Binnewerg, Mandy Friedrich, Heike Keller (Berl) & Florin Winkler, color woodcut, 20 x 20 cm, edition: 50



· Regen. Calendar with artworks by Anke Binnewerg, Jan Brokof, Mandy Friedrich, Daniela Grundmann, Konrad Henker, Heike Keller (Berl) & Florin Winkler, screenprint, 59 x 52 cm

· Nordlicht & Kuriosum. Two series, box with 7 screenprints, edition: 7



· Suche nach Glück. Calendar with artworks by  Anke Binnewerg & Heike Keller (Berl), letterpress, mixed media paper, 20,6 x 19,8 cm, edition: 11



· Heureka. Exihibition poster, Galerie am Ratswall Bitterfeld, color screenprint

· Corpus. Ceramic objects, 3 unique pieces in series